Title: the church bell ringing Day/Theme: August 20; sleeping underneath your skin Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters/Pairing: Eirana, Dei Rating: PG Word Count: 164
Title: Mirror Land Day/Theme: August 2; paint myself in blue and red and black and gray Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters/Pairing: Eirana Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 463 Notes: I... actually really like this. And it's kinda long. Weird.
Title: Micromanagement Day/Theme: July 30; for I have made her prison be her every step away from me Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters/Pairing: Dei, Eirana Rating: PG Word Count: 170
Title: Engulfed Day/Theme: July 27; when a star fell down a soul went up Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters/Pairing: Eirana Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 294
Title: the sunlight all around you Theme: June 24; ... With the sun in your eyes. Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters/Pairing: Eirana Rating: PG Word Count: 170 Note: Why the fuck am I writing AU for my own story. :|
Title: A Prima Vista Day/Theme: April 10; expect to be valued accordingly Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters: Dei Rating: PG Word Count: 153
Title: Sweetness Day/Theme: April 2; great charity, bad tactics Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters: Eirana, Dei Rating: PG Word Count: 250
Title: Fortune Teller Day/Theme: April 1; we would all be fools to pray for justice Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters: Eirana, Enthade Rating: G Word Count: 167
Title: The Purple Hyacinth Dealer Day/Theme: March 20; a ghost in me wants to say I'm sorry Fandom: Original (Anemones in Calando) Characters: Eirana; lightly implied Enthade/Eirana if you want Rating: PG Word Count: 211